The E-Cube Leadership Framework

The three attributes according to the E-Cube Leadership framework are

  1. Empathy
  2. Exuberance and
  3. Execution

E-Cube Leadership

The E-Cube Leadership Assessment helps in measuring the levels of Empathy, Exuberance and Execution traits in you. Plotting it in a three-dimensional graph, shown above, will let us know the kind of leader you are. You could reside in any one of the 8 cubes in the E-cube framework. You may imagine these cubes as individual rooms stacked in a three-dimensional space.  It would be interesting to know in which room you belong.

Below is a list of statements about our behaviours in our work setting. Read each statement carefully, and using the following scale, decide the extent to which it applies to you. For best results, answer as honestly as possible.

1.I express genuine appreciation for all my team members’ contributions and efforts.
2.I dress for the occasion and like to project a powerful executive presence.
3.I take time in coaching my team members to enhance their skills and reach their potential
4.I set clear goals and objectives for the team and follow through.
5.I am often the “life of the party” in work-related events, boosting team morale.
6.I find it difficult to manage my emotions, and sometimes fly off the handle, especially during challenging times.
7.I actively listen to team members’ concerns and viewpoints without interruption.
8.I consistently find ways to inject positivity and excitement into team activities.
9.I demonstrate a strong sense of ownership and responsibility.
10.I review and evaluate progress of the team objectively to ensure goals are being met.
11.I find it hard to induce humor and lightheartedness to diffuse tense situations and create a positive atmosphere.
12.I prefer to get into every little details and be in control of the team.
13.I proactively address conflicts and misunderstandings within the team by listening to both sides and having open discussions.
14.I communicate with high energy and enthusiasm, to capture my team’s attention.
15.I actively invest time in acquiring new knowledge and skills relevant to my role.
16.I seek innovative ways to optimize processes and enhance efficiency.
17.I do energize team members in team meetings and discussions.
18.I enjoy counselling and I am sensitive to the emotions and needs of my team members.
19.I ensure that all team members are included and valued in decision-making processes.
20.I exhibit enthusiasm even when faced with difficult or monotonous tasks.
21.I find it difficult to delegate tasks and responsibilities to my team members.
22.I prioritize logic and data-driven insights over compassion to inform my decision-making process.
23.I encourage the team to have some fun at work and ensure a balance between work and enjoyment in the team’s daily activities.
24.I openly address issues related to bias and discrimination within the team.
25.I seek and respond to the individual needs and aspirations of my team members.
26.I approach all tasks with enthusiasm and energy, regardless of their nature.
27.I am open to learning new skills and adapting to changing circumstances.
28.I enjoy critically analyzing situations and problems.
29.I like organizing team-building events that foster a sense of enjoyment.
30.I often make decisions that prioritize compassion and are reached through consensus.
31.I actively seek feedback to improve my interpersonal skills.
32.I do keep working on new ideas and approaches that can infuse excitement into the team’s work.
33.I create opportunities and allow team members to make mistakes for them to learn and improve
34.I find it difficult to consistently follow through on commitments and hold others accountable.
35.I like to be on stage and enjoy presenting to share my knowledge and experience.
36.I prioritize collaboration to build relationships with my team and other members to achieve common goals.



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