If the stock market crashes, it is pain for some and gain for some. On the contrary, if the business of religion crashes, it would certainly be a relief for the entire world. Many people would be out of their jobs, from priests to godmen, pastors to poojaris and Imams to Rabbis. This would be worse than a major economic crash, but peace would prevail. I am not an advocate of biological warfare, but if someone was to come up with a virus that could go into our brain and erase our strong religious and other biased belief systems, that person would deserve a Nobel prize for peace.

We all have dreamt of a secular world, where all religions and cultures live in harmony with each other. However, we have seen the dream vanish in front of our eyes; witnessing various events that are happening around the world. People build more walls than tolerance. 

The People Song

One thing is certain, even if the economy of the world crashes, the business of religion would never crash. It is not because of the truth within every religion but because of the hatred between them. It is strong in terms of legacy and it has conditioned our minds. 

Imagine a newborn baby, left alone in the wilderness, growing up without human influence. He or she would not know whether the self is a boy or a girl. The baby will not know if he or she was born a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or belonged to any of the many faiths of the world. The baby would grow into an adult with no bias and a non-prejudiced mindset.

Back in the real world, the parents, or the significant elders along with the environment, inject religion-based bias, into the baby’s mind along with the other discriminations. As a result, the baby turns green, white or saffron or may be left or right. He or she grows up to become an adult ready to inject the same toxin into future generations. While secularism is being ridiculed, how can I think of being Utopian? Even leaders of countries promote bias based on religion. If anybody comments against them, then they are called anti-nationals.  I can only imagine, a world without religion.  It would be peaceful. A day when we say a man is marrying a woman and not a Christian marrying a Hindu or a Hindu marrying a Muslim, or any other indication of peoples faith, caste or other divisive terms while referring to people; is the day I am looking forward to.

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BOBY GEORGE KODIYAT · December 6, 2019 at 10:38 am

Well said and thought provoking. I wish the world once again evolved from the scratch. Wish we all remained as nature lovers than worshipers. Fears in our mind brought in worshipping. Today a rapist can make his own country, while a poor farmer dreams of owning a piece of land.

    georgekoshi · December 6, 2019 at 10:57 am

    Very well said Boby. Today is an important day for India which showed the ill effects of religious intolerance.

Samson · December 1, 2021 at 5:21 am

I too developed similar thoughts some time back. After watching some so called god fearing persons conduct themselves, I got so convinced that I am moving in the right direction. Hope more people come out in the open and free people from this religion madness

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